My Models

Hello everyone! I am new to this website and I see that this platform gives us a huge opportunity to express ourselves in our field of work and get better. I recently started to learn Blender and sell or give away models that I create to indie low budget games or Roblox games. This Model is my second upload on this website and i have given it price of 1$ and I need your advice. I am currently working on a laptop that has weak GPU (integrated Intel Iris Xe). Its true that rendering a low budget models does not take much resources for my laptop, but I want to become even better and maybe even design models for S Tier games. Mainly I am trying to save up for a good PC. If someone can give me advices how to save up for it with modelling will be much appreciated! 

I do not want people to say that I sell models that are not worth their price, so I want to know from professionals if 1$ for this model is worth or no for audience?

Thank you!


house.blend 24 MB
14 days ago

Get House Model For Low Budget Games

Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

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